Aiming at familiarizing the public with the practice of slam, and to introduce them to formidably talented artists who are adept at exciting verbal jousting. Slam Outaouais presents a series of four 15-minute interviews, hosted by local multidisciplinary artist Josette Noreau.
September 16th @ 7pm
Annie St-Jean, French teacher at Collège Saint-Alexandre in Gatineau, SlamOutaouais slammer and competition organizer since 2011;
Guy Perreault, author, composer, performer, poet and distinguished slammer, who won 2nd place at the Slam World Cup in Paris, has publishedTu prendras parti et je prendrai... par là
September 23rd @ 7pm
Myriam Legault-Beauregard, translator, slammer, poet, has just published Comme un myosotis, with Éditions La note verte;
Victor Denoncourt, rising star slammer, has just completed his first year at Cégep de l'Outaouais.
September 29th @ 2pm
During the sunny 16th season regional final, the SlamOutaouais team had the pleasure of welcoming Yao, host of the evening, Annie St-Jean, winner of the 15th season, and the nine finalists Wassim Aboutanos, Camille Audette, Cézure, La Chamane, Victor Denoncourt, Gabrielle Gervais, Randy Kelly, Myriam Legault-Beauregard and Josette Noreau, who each presented two new texts. Listen or listen again to the 2024 final on our airwaves!
